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Ghislaine Bouskila
Apr 14, 20234 min read
Decision making
There is nothing worse than the idea that you have to make a drastic decision in order to relieve the pain you are feeling. I know the...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Jan 16, 20234 min read
Up-bringing yourself
We have the power to upbring ourselves. We can decide who we want to be with love , simplicity and truth.
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Oct 30, 20214 min read
Now is the time
Now is the time, anchors me to planet earth, where only Now exists.
Love is the way, connects me to the heavens, where only Love is real.
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Sep 21, 20214 min read
Breathwork and Spirituality
Breathwork is on everyone’s lips! Eh! Almost!
It’s definitely on the lips of the upcoming generation of leaders. Those who understand that
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Aug 24, 20214 min read
Big Love
Love is healing medicine! I know, I have experienced it! I know that Love, big love, is the most miraculous healing energy there is. Love...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Jul 8, 20213 min read
Ancestral healing
I am falling, falling no floor to catch me no reason to hold me no understanding to support me What happened? What was the thought that...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
May 12, 20215 min read
When the universe ....
When the universe hits you with a bat what do you do?
When you feel crushed, powerless and left "for dead" in your emotional self,
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Mar 16, 20214 min read
What could be more important really than making sure that everyday and in every way I surround myself with tenderness, inside and out?...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Jan 28, 20214 min read
In the name of truth
It takes dedication to see the distractions. They appear as being part of life. They appear normal and even sometimes, and those are the wor
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Sep 2, 20202 min read
Let go of who you were yesterday
The new comes, allow it
Transformation comes, receive it.
You are now, cherish that
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Jun 22, 20202 min read
Healing is here
Slowing down time, I take care of my inner child
she is lost, confused, is used to please others
What if the only one she had to please is h
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Ghislaine Bouskila
May 24, 20203 min read
Breathing, Grounding, Healing
Breath is the most organic way we have to regulate our nervous system.
Our way of breathing doesn’t need to be pushed or interfered with.
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Apr 22, 20204 min read
Expressing beauty
Some days I wake up with the profound desire to express beauty.
I feel it in my heart, it's an expanding, nurturing feeling. It feels vague
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Mar 27, 20202 min read
Breathing Trust
My feet are on the floor, I sit straight, I breathe. I connect my inhale with my exhale, there is no pause, the flow of air through my...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Feb 3, 20201 min read
Just do it!
Just do it!
Just love yourself enough to take the time to care for yourself, to fill up with energy, love and light so that actions flow si
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Nov 15, 20184 min read
Oh the cat!
Most of us are in a way or another on a journey to healing or on a quest to feel happier, freer, lighter. According to self-reporting in...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Jun 14, 20184 min read
A good ordinary life
"Nice ordinary people, human beings" those were the words of an 88 year old in Palliative care telling her life story to my friend Anna...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Feb 9, 20183 min read
I release control and surrender to the flow of love that will heal me
2018 is starting with quite an intense emotional energy, in my world in any case. Could it be that my 2018 soul intention "I release...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
Nov 27, 20171 min read
Creating the present you are dreaming of.
What would be the key elements needed for you to have a life where you feel you fully exist? Where you feel heard, seen and accepted? The...
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Ghislaine Bouskila
May 22, 20172 min read
Are you game?
Why is it that it is so difficult for most of us to take our place into the world? The conditions of our birth and early childhood...
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