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Before the session
The session starts with an information intake of your physical and psychological symptoms. The information, which was sometimes buried in your memory, gives us a point of reference and brings together your stories, your history. It builds the platform from which we will stand on to create the present you are looking for.

What do I have to do?


In a kinesiology session, you can say as much or as little as you want, your mind-body system will take us straight to what is in the way of you achieving your desired intention. Often it is just letting go of the layers of hurt that have buried our true self. Discovering who we really are, this beautiful, sharing, giving individual. Learning to live from our heart and releasing the fear that keep us in our brain.


You then lay on the table, fully dressed under a comfortable blanket. For children, the session might not happen on a table at all. The balance (a kinesiology term describing what happens in a session) starts with muscle testing which is where I use a lower arm muscle, so its relaxing, to access the emotions stored in the body in relation to the intention we are playing with. The body then tells me what it needs, to enhance it’s innate capacity to heal itself.
How long are the sessions?
The session goes for 90 minutes for adults, one hour for teenagers and 45 minutes for children under 12. In a breathwork session the process is a little different as you lay on a mattress and the session is for 2 to 2.5 hours and  we let the breath direct us to what needs your attention.
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© 2024 by Conscious Energy Medicine

Ghislaine Bouskila | Sydney Australia

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