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January Conscious Breathing Workshop

Sat, 23 Jan


Awareness Institute

What are you Breathing for? A Conscious Breathing Workshop to learn how to use the power of the breath for healing and wellbeing.

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January Conscious Breathing Workshop
January Conscious Breathing Workshop

Time & Location

23 Jan 2021, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm AEDT

Awareness Institute, Level 1, Suite 103/28 Chandos St, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia

About The Event

Conscious Breathing Workshop

No breathwork experience necessary.

Conscious Breathing is for healing of mind, heart and body. 

Learn to use the breath to harmonise your nervous system, to balance your brain and to open your heart to receive the one you have always been looking for: you.

Breathwork is the safest, gentlest and most organic way to gently unlock the breathing patterns that keeps us stuck, sick or unable to live the life we were hoping for.

Slowing down the breath activate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system where healing can happen.

  • On the physical realm it will support you heal inflammation, insomnia, anxiety, gut dysfunction, chronic symptoms
  • On the emotional realm, it will facilitate your ability to feel and to welcome your emotions without needing to fix them. It allows you to connect to and honour your true feelings.
  • On the mental realm, it will highlight the belief systems which no longer serves you so that you can let go of old and restrictive thinking patterns.
  • On the spiritual realm it will connect you to your truth, showing you the way to a creative, fulfilling life.

Conscious breathing will balance your brain, allowing you to see the world from a harmonised left and right brain hemisphere therefore responding creatively to the experiences of your life as opposed to being in a reactive and defensive mode. This will result in making better adapted decisions for your needs.

Conscious Breathing will open your heart. Healing past hurts and traumas, you will discover the truth and beauty of who you really are .

Life becomes joyful, playful and safe!

 Healing is my passion My intention is to share how to use Breathwork for conscious healing. 

Conscious Breathing or Breathwork is  is a body centered therapy using Conscious Connected Breathing to unlock physical, mental, emotional or spiritual dysfunctions.

Conscious breathing means to be aware of our breathing, noticing it’s pattern and the sensations that arise in our body when we do breathe consciously. Conscious Connected Breathing is the ability to breathe fully on the inhale and to totally relax the exhale. There is no pause between the inhale/exhale and the exhale/inhale.

​The power of Breathwork relies on its intention setting. Having a formulated intention by words or images gives a direction for the brain/body/spirit system to release what is the way of us achieving this intention.

It is organic and safe, Your system will only release what you are ready to see, feel or be aware of.

What better tool than using on our breath which is fully part of our living mechanism to clear and detoxify thoughts and memories (Mind), to relax our nervous system and to activate our immune system (Body) to create the most relaxed and enjoyable life (Spirit).

The body memory of trauma, upsets, misunderstanding and confusion can be released, allowing for the cells to clear the blockages  and receive the oxygen necessary for life. Only comes up what you are ready to clear. This results in feeling energised and more conscious about the creative direction our life can take.

The power of the group

It is fascinating to observe how a group gets formed to the perfect need of each of the participants.

Breathing in a group setting, not only enhances your own intention but also adds to an aspect of this intention you might not have been aware of. The synergy between the participants of a group enhances the power of our personal intention. Each person of the group represents a facet of the world you are living in.

The sharing and debriefing in a group setting is powerful. One is often touched by the amount of love, understanding and compassion which exists between the participants. This is so healing to receive and to give.

The realisation that we are one and not alone is very precious indeed and is a gift to take home with you.

Cancellation Policy

Payments for Breathing for a New Earth are non refundable, however a substitute may attend in your place. Please notify us as soon as possible if you are transferring your registration.

There will need to be a minimum of 4 participants enrolled at the outset for the workshop to proceed.

About Ghislaine:

Ghislaine Bouskila holds a diploma in Rebirthing and Breathwork Mastery and a diploma in Kinesiology, a certificate IV in Trainings and Assessments.

She has been in Private practice since 2003

For the last 30 years, her journey in healing herself from chronic health symptoms has led her to gain a personal understanding of disease and has been the driving force behind her studying and applying new therapeutic sciences.

She understands that the immune system responds to the energy of love. 

The fulfilment of human destiny is influenced by the events of life and our interpretations of them by the mind. 

The autonomic nervous system plays an important part on the vitality, creativity and well-being of a person. 

 Her Motto is "now is the time and love is the way" coined from the work of James Twyman with the Indigo children.


  • January Breathwork Workshop

    Conscious Breathing Workshop at the Awareness Institute

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Ghislaine Bouskila | Sydney Australia

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